It has been a while since I have updated you all. I'm sorry for that. This last month has been completely CRAZY!! There was a trip to Texas for a wedding, that trip lasted a week. I helped at my church for Vacation Bible School, I went to Teen church camp for a few days, my father's birthday party along with my grandparents anniversary party. Like I said, this has been a very busy month.
Even though this has been a very busy time, I still cannot get baby off my brain. I guess I have come to the point in my life where I think I'm ready. It doesn't matter how much I want to become a mommy right now, I can't because I have to get my diet on track first. I am so close to be getting my levels right!!
I do feel a bit discouraged though. I recently joined a group on Facebook for women with PKU who want to be, who are, and who have been pregnant. I look on the page and I see women who say they are going back on their "precon," or preconception diet. When they say that, they also share their current levels, usually really close to mine. A week or two later, they post saying that their levels have gone down dramatically and are on track to getting pregnant. Me, however, I have been working on my levels since the end of January.
I know it's an ongoing process and it's easier for some people. I just wish it was that easy for me.
Until Next time,
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