Sunday, March 25, 2012

Low Pro Equals No Fun

  As many of you know, I have been trying to go back on my low protein (or low pro) diet. I told you how my doctor gave me come low protein and medical protein food. I thought it would be just like the food that I have been eating, boy was I wrong.

Now before I start I want to say, this food is not the most disgusting thing I have ever tasted, but pretty close. I started out trying the sports drink first. It was supposed to be like Gatorade and it had medical protein in it. Needless to say it wasn't tasty. It wasn't too bad except it had a metallic after taste, so I mixed it with Sprite, hoping the carbonation would be more prominent. It tasted fine after that and then it made me sick. My body reacted to it as if it were poison. NOT GOOD.

After that, I was nervous to try anything else for a few weeks. But I, finally, brought myself to try the Tweeks. They are supposed to be the PKU equivalent to chicken nuggets. So, my husband and I prepared them as the box directed. They didn't seem too bad, but nothing like chicken nuggets. I was too nervous to try it first, so my husband did. He did a very good job at keeping a straight face. After finally biting into it I realized how good of an actor he was. It looked like a chicken nugget, but was filled with mushroom paste. I like mushrooms, but they were nasty.

I waited awhile longer and then my husband and I sat down one night to test out the formulas. I was nervous for that because that was the reason I stopped the diet in the first place, my formula made me sick. There were some really nasty ones, others weren't too bad. After trying them all, we realized  some of them were expired, but there were no side effects. But as it stands right now I am probably going to order the formula I use to have, only because it's a safer choice.

Other than those, I haven't tried anything else. From the list of medical foods and drinks that I told you about a couple of weeks ago, I have a lot more to try. I will be sure to keep you updated on how everything is. All I can say is, parents with kids who have PKU.... Make An Appointment To Taste Everything Yourself Before Ordering It For Your Child!!!!!

Until next time,

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