Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Baby Time!!

As you may know, due to my last post, I was finally able to get pregnant... Well, I would like to introduce to you my sweet daughter, Elaina!
She was born on March 12th after 22 hours of labor (I was induced on the morning of the 11th). She weighed in at 6lbs 7.2oz and was 20.75in long!! She did have a moderate case of Jaundice when she arrived and had excess Biliruben (not sure if I spelt that correctly). But after some photo therapy and 4 days in the hospital (starting the day she was born), she is doing great!! Like every other baby born at the hospital she had her 24 hour screening test, and it was rushed to the lab. We haven't heard anything back from that yet, so her pediatrician is hoping no news is good news. On Monday we went in for her 2 week well baby check up and did the next and final phase of the newborn screening test. Her doctor says she usually hears back within 2 days (which is today) if something is abnormal and if she doesn't hear anything today she will be calling the lab on Friday to make sure. OF course she doesn't do this with every newborn, but since I have PKU and Elaina has a 25% chance (if daddy is not a carrier) of having PKU as well.
We are anxiously awaiting to hear back from her doctor, hoping she doesn't have PKU, and enjoying life with our new little addition to the family.
Until next time,
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Monday, March 3, 2014


Hello everyone!

          It's been a whole year since the last post, and for that I am sorry. This last year (more or less) there have been quite a few changes in my life. Not only with my PKU.
           First with the Kuvan trial. I believe you all know that I did the Kuvan trial last year and discovered that I am a responder. I went from being able to eat 12 grams of natural protein with levels in the 400s ml/dl... to being able to eat 30 grams of natural protein with levels in the 120s. That was quite a shock to me and my lifestyle!
           Second of all, which I didn't announce on here to all my readers... I got PREGNANT!!! My husband and I found out in the beginning of July. Shortly after that, we had our first appointment with my midwife. She did an ultrasound to make sure I didn't have a false positive. We discovered I was indeed pregnant and at the time of the appointment I was 6 weeks along! Both my husband and I were over the moon!!
          I was beyond nervous to be pregnant. I was always worried about my levels spiking without my knowledge and I would miscarry. I had to keep in mind that I was being watched very carefully by my specialist. I was doing blood spots twice a week. As I got farther along my body decided to handle more protein!!
         We found out in early November that we were expecting a little girl!! We had been told 6 weeks earlier that there was a 70% chance that we were having a boy. We were told that it was still VERY early to tell for sure (so I couldn't go shopping yet). My husband and I didn't care what we had. We kept saying whatever God decided to give us was wonderful. I wanted to know as soon as possible because being the girl that I am.... I WANTED TO GO SHOPPING!!!!
         Now, I am currently 39 weeks along. Our little girl is due to be born soon! I can't wait to see what she looks like, how much she weighs, how tall she is, and if she has PKU or not. And of course I will post all of the details.

Until next time,