Friday, June 1, 2012

Day By Day

I want to thank you all for supporting me, whether it's by following the page and reading my posts, commenting on the Facebook page, or being here for me in my daily life. I have a wonderful support system that includes my family, my friends, my doctors, and many more. I never realized how many people read my blog. I have people at work talking to me about it, my hair dresser, random people adding me on Facebook because they have questions or comments about the blog. It's really nice to see everyone getting something from this page.

Well, make sure the support continues, not just for me, but for anyone else you know who has PKU. There could be things that they are struggling with that they can't explain. PKU doesn't just affect what we can eat, it effects a lot of things in life. Too much protein causes mood changes that we can't explain. I know I have said this before, but I keep saying it because it is important to remember. Sometimes I am extremely grumpy with my husband, he hasn't done anything to upset me. No matter how hard I try, I can't contain it.

It's not only mood changes that PKU effects. There have been many studies to prove that PKU patients with a high protein level have a decreased IQ. This, by no means, means that someone with PKU is "slow" or dumb. It just means that their IQ isn't as high as it could be.

Another thing, something I hadn't shared with anyone until recently. PKU, also, effects the memory. Now, that could mean plenty of things. Some people have a hard time remembering what was said in a conversation the other day, or what they were talking about in the middle of speaking. Others have a hard time remembering a lot bigger things. For example, I don't remember a lot of things from growing up. I can't always bring them to recollection, so if someone is talking about a situation that I don't remember, I just agree with them. I'm too prideful and embarrassed to voice some of my problems. Sometimes it's hard to remember appointments, dates, what day of the week it is. I don't mean just for a moment. I mean it could take a while to remember, some have to look at calenders and planners to make sure.

I know I don't want to be treated differently because of these things, that is why I have never wanted to tell anyone about some of the struggles that comes along with PKU. Through all this, I want people with PKU to know that this is normal, but you should still talk to your doctor about it because it can be helped. I want to make those who know someone with PKU are aware of some of the things we struggle with.

That's all for now.

Until Next Time,

Don't forget to check out these web pages!!

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