Friday, October 7, 2011

I Can't Blame PMS

Have you ever been around someone who was angry or sad/down and they couldn't tell you why? That's because it doesn't happen that often. For someone with PKU it could happen quite often, if they aren't careful.

I started doing some research last night. While researching, I found some interesting and helpful information. There has been a study done recently that links aggression and depression to PKU patients. When a person with PKU goes off their low protein diet it can cause them to be more aggressive and have a short temper. This is because the phe levels are too high and causes excessive amount of phes in the brain at any given time.

That is useful for me because I have been off the diet for 4 or so years. I have been noticing myself to be more aggressive and easily upset. I get annoyed very easily, which is not normal for me. That tells me my protein levels are too high. I have been cutting down my protein intake and I have noticed a difference. The problem hasn’t gone away completely, but that’s because I’m not on the formula as well as the low protein diet.

Not only can protein levels make someone aggressive, they can also cause depression. There are several reports in the medical literature that suggest a relationship between high phe levels and depression. Sometimes when the phe levels are too high the aggressive behavior and depression can alternate.

I have never experienced the depression side of it, but it’s different for every PKU patient. Like I said in my last post, maybe they will find a cure for PKU in the near future so every person with PKU can rest easy and not have to be on their toes looking for warning signs all the time. I know that would make my life a lot easier.
Until next time,


  1. Do you have a link to the article linking aggression and PKU? Any information on that would be greatly appreciated.

  2. I have been off my meds for some time now I'm short tempered with my kids and I can go from being fine one minute to mad to crying. It's very difficult raising children with pku and not being on diet but I won't to thank you because I didn't realize my diet could cause my mood and temper to be so bad thank you. SaVanna Rodriguez
