Sunday, October 16, 2011

Scales Are Not Our Friends

Friday, I wrote about diets. I wanted to be clear that not all diets are unsafe for someone with PKU. Most of the very effective ones are not, I want to be clear that there are some diets that work great.

Grapefruit Diet
Eat half a grapefruit before each meal. Grapefruits have about 2 grams of protein in them, so it's safe. There are many variations of the diet but it is still safe.

If you think about the amount of diets that are available for someone with PKU, you can understand why the over 2/3 of all people with PKU are obese. Someone with PKU doesn't ingest enough protein to stay full for a long period of time. Potein is what makes you feel full. Since they can't have much protein they don't stay full for long periods of time.

The amount of fatty acids that are ingested by someone with PKU is a lot more than your average person. The PKU formula has a large amount of fatty amino acids which make up proteins. With ingesting that much fat and fatty amino acids, it would be hard to not struggle with your weight.

I can't wait for the day when my PKU won't cause weight and many many more issues.

Until next time,

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