Saturday, October 22, 2011

There is a Time for Change

I have been telling you a lot of things about PKU lately. Basically, I am just informing you and not talking about the daily struggles. That is going to change a little bit. This blog is not only to inform and make you aware of PKU, but it is also to help those who have loved ones with it as well.

Having PKU is difficult, but not as difficult as living with someone with PKU. Going grocery shopping for a household that includes someone with PKU is hard when you yourself don't have PKU. You have to think about what is healthy, what everyone likes, and how much protein is in the food you are buying. You have to stay aware of how much food you are purchasing that the one with PKU can actually eat.

The "normal" person making a meal for the household needs to think the same way when cooking. "How much protein is in this?" "How much food did I make that _____ can eat?" It's not easy.

Now I wanted to start doing something new. I have been trying to keep count of my protein intake lately. I'm not doing very well by myself. So, I am going to start putting the amount of protein I ate/drank the day before I write a new blog.

Thank you for everyone reading. Today's blog has been a little scatter-brained.

Until next time,

Intake: 16 grams

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